2 To 1 VGA Switchbox, DB15
From Ziotek

Use our VGA switchboxes to share one monitor with many PCs or share one PC with many monitors. You can even swap displays with a coworker using our VGA crossover switchbox. Cables sold separately. Male to Male cables needed.

  • Brand: Ziotek
  • Dimensions: 1.08 pounds

You get what you pay for!!1
First I would like too say that I couldn't have expected too much being that I bought the cheapest VGA switch that I could find. . .although I had hoped and my thought process was that they most likely all do the same thing.

WRONG. . .

I had purchased the unit as a means to hook up both my computer and my XBOX360 to my monitor. When I received the unit I was first dissapointed in its craftmanship; being that it looked like it was manufactured in the 80's. But that was okay. . .as long as the item did what it stated.


Yes it can switch between the two devices. . .but with MAJOR reduction of quality from BOTH. My once high def 360 now looks better on a TV from the early 90's and the picture from my computer is horrible. I am still using it until I get one without the quality reduction but am sorely dissapointed in this product and its quality. More than a 50% loss.

Just remember. . .YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!

Works perfectly for me5
I am using this A/B switch box to allow one laptop to toggle between two different external monitors (at different locations in my office). The unit works exactly as desired with no discernable degradation in video quality.

2 to 1 VGA Switchbox DB15 (Small object,big results) 4
I'm reluctant to call it (Gadget)from my point of view et is an essential.When I was in the need for another monitor I faund myself with two big problems. One, no room for second monitor and no money for it neither.
So, asking here and there I was suggested to buy 2 to 1 VGA Wichtbox,DB15.
And it worked for me just fine.Low price and small enough to fit in any place.
The two problems were solved with one small object.Nothing fancy, lights going off and on or annoying sounds.Just pure performance.

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