IOGear 2-Port USB KVM Switch with Cables and Remote GCS22U (Black)

IOGear GCS22U 2-Port USB KVM Switch, 2-Port USB Cable KVM allows users to share a VGA monitor, a USB mouse, and a USB keyboard between two computers. Users can switch between computers using a manual switch located on a wired remote controller that can be placed on your desk for ease of reach. It offers an out-of-box solution with no additional cables needed. It supports multiple operating systems including Windows, Sun, and Mac. It is entirely plug-n-play and requires no software to run. It is also powered through the USB bus and thus does not require a power supply to run. It is the ideal KVM for those who want a competitively priced, entry level KVM that will allow them to multitask with two computers at their disposal.
Brand: Iogear Model: GCS22U Format: CD Original language: English Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, .90 pounds

Plug and Go (read more below), out of the way, easy to switch In a nutshell: Compact, less wires to get in the way, great remote switch to change computers, and works out of the box. Longer story Here were my needs: - I purchased this to be able to hook up my work laptop to my monitor and keyboard when I work from home. - I needed a USB KVM switch (versus older PS/2 connectors) - I prefer for the audio not to switch over so I can play music on my home computer while I work on the company laptop. - I hate wires, so the fewer the better. - Needed the switch to work with my wireless mouse and keyboard (you guessed that by now, didn't you?) This unit was perfect as the unit has the wires molded in and they are just long enough to reach both computers comfortably with no excess wiring to deal with. The remote button is nice and does not get in the way. My mouse and keyboard (Logitech) use one shared USB cable and the switch provides for two ports and plugs. This caused a little confusion and initially did not work when I plugged everything up. I figured this was more of my computer's USB recognizing the keyboard had moved ports problem rather than a switch problem. I was right. To solve this, I had previously plugged the monitor to the switch and the cable from the switch to the computer, this did not change. I did not hook the USB mouse/keyboard to the switch, but left it plugged into the computer where it was working originally. All was well so far. I then started the computer, made sure the mouse and keyboard were still working and moved the keyboard/mouse to the one of the switch's USB ports. I had tried both USB plugs in (this is important) the same USB port on my computer that the keyboard/mouse were plugged into. I found the right plug and everything was working. I could switch back and forth and/or restart the computer without issue. Other hints that might help. From a cold start (remember the switch is powered by your USB port) the switch will start on computer 1 (green lights show which is which, one dot or two). The cables were not labeled, so I guessed, and guessed wrong. I switched the plugs and all was well. Once I found the proper keyboard/mice USB cord coming out of that switch I was able to unplug the other one (remember, my Logitech uses one USB for both keyboard and mouse) to save a USB port on the back of my computer. I figure that I would not remember that later, so now was the best time to do this. Can you have enough USB ports directly on the computer? I expect this switch to work well for you if you have similar needs to what I outlined earlier. If your computers are far apart from each other, or you want to switch audio, or you need to switch between more than two computers, this is not the switch for you. You will need to invest in a more expensive solution. Great product, I would buy this again and recommend it for anyone with a home office. a decent kvm, but lacking a few features that a slight step up offers This KVM is fine, IOGear makes pretty good products. I am writing this just to provide a few comparison notes on the few but important differences between this and it's slightly more mature sibling the GCS632U. 1) This KVM does not offer any keyboard shortcut. There is a little wired "remote" connected to the KVM, and you must click the button when you want to change from one machine to the next. This does not seem ideal to me, because your hands must leave the keyboard and I would worry about the clicky switch failing over time. The GCS632U offers a typical "double scroll-lock tap" to change over, and this can be changed to another keypress as desired. I find this works much better than this unit's remote button setup. 2) This KVM has cables that connect to the monitor port and TWO USB ports on each target computer. The GCS632U one-ups this in a neat trick; it combines the keyboard and mouse inputs into ONE USB cable, so it only takes up ONE USB port on each target computer. Very nice, and fewer cables to plug in. This feature alone is actually enough for me to return the GCS22U for the upgraded GCS632U. 3) Last, but not least, the GCS632U adds 1/8" plugs for audio. I personally don't use this, but for those who want to connect a single pc speaker system (or other audio output) to the two target computers, this is a nice feature. Hope that's helpful. To me, an extra $10 is worth having an extra USB port free on my laptop and other computer! And I much prefer the keyboard shortcut vs the remote button! Decreased video quality How satisfied you are with this product is going to depend on the quality of the video cable you are currently using. I noticed a marked decrease in how "sharp" the picture was on my monitor (a relatively new flat panel) once I started using this. I believe the reason is that the video cables provided are substandard as compared to the "master" VGA cable I've been using. Since the cables which come with the product are permanently fixed, you don't have the option of swapping them for better cables as you would with some other products at the same price. On the plus side, the product works right out of the box and I like the switch, which allows me to hide the KVM and cables out of site and just run the thin cord for the switch to the front of the desk. I've returned this to Amazon and purchased the Trendnet KVM for $10 more.

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