Avocent 4-Port Cybex Switchview KVM 1user PS2/ser for PC with o Cables
From Avocent

Though small in stature, SwitchView is packed with advanced features. PC selection can be made through the keyboard or using the front panel push-button. Automated scan mode allows each PC's video to be viewed in sequence. SwitchView's hot plug capability allows PCs to be added or removed without powering down the switch or other attached servers.Cables are sold separately.
Brand: Avocent Model: 10045 Platform: Windows Format: CD Original language: English Dimensions: 1.32 pounds

Excellent KVM I bought this to replace a different brand rated for up to 1600 x 1280, which caused a very obvious loss of video quality on my LCD monitor 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz, analog input.What a difference the Avocent made. I'm running 2 identical LCD monitors from a dual-head card, one connected directly to the computer. Side-by-side, I can't see any degradation at all on the switched monitor.This KVM has a single button. To move from computer B to A, you press it 3 times. I was used to a separate button for each computer, and thought I'd miss that. But switching via keyboard (CTR, CTR, A, Enter) is even easier than reaching for the individual buttons; no software required.Another unexpected advantage is the all-plastic case. Every once in a while, I'd feel a static discharge when I touched my metal KVM, and usually that would disable the mouse and keyboard until the KVM and all computers were rebooted. Doesn't happen with the Avocent. All the connectors on the switchbox are female, i.e, require male connectors on the cable. My video cables were female, so I also bought Avocent cable sets. They're as good as any I've used, despite their moderate price.This KVM is powered from the computers, but also has an input for a 6 vdc 700 mA wall wart, not supplied. The manual (CD only) doesn't say when you'd want to use direct power - maybe with older computers that don't power the keyboard when off.My one email to the company - pre-purchase inquiry about whether it was reasonable to expect no video loss on an LCD -- was answered accurately, same day. I've owned 4 desktop KVMs over the years, and used a number of high-end ones at work. Of those, this is the least expensive but the one I prefer for home or individual work area. I didn't do a lot of research, and can't tell you it's the best one currently available, or the best value. Just that it works well for me and is a whole lot more than I expected for the price. Attention: IBM Netfinity and Netvista users Have been using this KVM for about a week. It works well and I like it...However; If you are considering this purchase and use IBM Netfinity or Netvista computers you should go to Avocent's web site and look at their "Knowledge Base" for Switchview. Apparently the switchview doesn't handle the 2 and 6 pin on the mouse connector properly on these computeres and you need to buy the correct type of cable for a workaround (basically swap the keyboard and mouse cables). This bit me and luckily I purchased Avocent cables and was able to use their workaround. Other than that, this is a good product. Works very well with other computers.

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