Linksys PS2KVMSK ProConnect 2-Port Compact KVM Switch Kit
From Linksys

Linksys' ProConnect KVM Switches allow you to instantly toggle between two PS/2-equipped desktop or notebook PCs while using a single monitor, PS/2 keyboard, and PS/2 mouse. Switch between two PCs with the press of a button. Plug your notebook PC into the KVM Switch and control it from your desktop PC's monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Built to last and ready to run directly out of the box, Linksys's ProConnect Compact KVM Switches eliminate cable swapping while saving you desktop space and hundreds of dollars of hardware costs.Because they don't use software, the ProConnect Compact KVM Switches are compatible with all major desktop and note-book computers. They're the perfect choice for the home, the office, or anywhere else you manage multiple PCs.

  • Brand: Linksys
  • Model: 2-Port KVM Switch

Linksys's ProConnect KVM switches allow you to instantly toggle between two PS/2-equipped desktop or notebook PCs while using a single monitor, PS/2 keyboard, and PS/2 mouse. Switch between two PCs with the press of a button. Or plug your notebook PC into the KVM switch and control it from your desktop PC's monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Built to last and ready to run directly out of the box, Linksys's ProConnect compact KVM Switches eliminate cable swapping while saving you desktop space and hundreds of dollars of hardware costs. Because they don't use software, the ProConnect switches are compatible with all major desktop and notebook computers. They're the perfect choice for the home, the office, or anywhere else you manage multiple PCs.

I switch between Windows Me & Windows 2000 computers.5
I was put off by some of the negative reviews for the keyboard shortcut for this product but chose it because it was less expensive than other KVM systems and it came with cables.

I couldn't be happier. Unlike another review states, the shortcut is documented in the instructions.

I looked for a KVM system because I didn't have enough room for 4 monitors. I run 2 computers and both have dual monitors (I use Matrox G450 video cards). I set up the KVM system to switch my center monitor between the 2000 and Me computer. My left monitor is the second Me monitor, the right the second 2000 monitor. I changed the desktop colors to make it clear which computer the center monitor was displaying.

I switch regularly by hitting the control key twice. Sometimes there is a delay of perhaps 1 second. The center screen goes black pops back with the other screen.

I loved the color-coded cables and did find the switch box to require two hands - one to hold the box steady and one to hit the switch. I used it to test on the first day and haven't used it since I memorized the double control key shortcut.

Confusing yourself with more than 1 Mouse or Keyboard?5
I know I used to use 2 mouses and Keyboards sharing 1 Monitor. If you are one of the serious "Joes" who has more than 1 Computer system, and has one of those old switch boxes for your keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Check this item out for grabs.

The "Linksys ProConnect 2-Port Compact KVM Switch Kit", a 2 port sharing interface with cables included. Yup, I sure did say "cables included". The truth to make things much simpler, it has support for your PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard, which means you don't lose power and control between switch overs.

And don't need to reach over to the switch to make it work, that's right! It has a hot key function, "LCtrl" x2. That's it! You can even put the box hidden or on top of 1 the Systems. Who cares! You'll never see it again once you've installed it. Pretty Cool huh!

This product package with "Ingenius" written all over it is a STEAL!

could of been so much more but still a good deal3
Overall I would say its a nice little switch that works very well. Its a good low budget KVM that will work for most home users who just happen to have 2 computers.

My gripes: The hotkey to switch between computers is not configurable. Because there is no software to set up this switch everything is hard wired. So hope you don't use the CTRL key for anything because if you hit it twice you switch computers. Personally this feature I could live without. The button on the switch is enough. I also noticed that since this key is essentially wired to the KVM to switch computers hitting it 1 time has a delay as the switch is looking for the double hit. This is really only a problem when playing games.

Switch does not correctly recognize my mouseman optical mouse. Windows only sees it as a 3 button wheel mouse. It is actually a 4 button mouse and when connected to the switch the 4th button now performs the same function as button 1. Again no software to configure so I am guessing I am stuck with this.

Tech support..well I haven't heard from them yet about this problem. My guess that there is no solution.

Good Points: Cheap, Easy to setup, comes with cables!, no external power supply, and works for most applications.

So I would say it gets 3/5, I would of given it 4/5 if tech support was more responsive. Compared to most other KVM switches you find out there its the best bang for your buck. Most others start at over $100. So if my gripes are not your problem and you don't have to email tech support..give it a 5.

UPDATE: I figured I should update this as I did finally get a resolution from tech support. Their only solution to any problem is basically remove power..try again. The KVM does not support any advanced mouse features such as more than 3 buttons. This is convirmed with tech support. Also I upgraded my keyboard and although most of the programable buttons work if I do the CTRL key switch too fast the KVM switch basically chokes and the keyboard goes dead. Solution..kill power and restart. Somewhat a pain ehh? And that was the answer with tech support. SO my review stands at 3 stars. If you have a cheap keyboard and mouse you should have no prolems. I have had it for almost a year and I do still use it so I just don't use the CTRL key to switch and got used to only using my 3 buttons.

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