Belkin Flip Wireless 2 Port KVM USB; Audio; with rf Remote
From Belkin Components

People with two computers are seeking methods to keep their desktops free of extra peripherals and cables. They also want a more comfortable way to use their work laptop when they bring it home. Flip Wireless solves both problems by giving access to both computers without the added peripheral bulk or cable clutter. It also enables connection of your laptop to your home computer devices easily. The wireless remote can be placed or mounted anywhere on your desktop with the included fastener strip.Flip Wireless also allows you to connect your old and new home computers, so you can easily access files and programs using the same desktop devices. It offers the added feature of letting you share one set of speakers between computers. Flip Wireless fully supports any combination of PC and Mac desktop and notebook computers for use in any home or work environment.

  • Brand: Belkin
  • Model: F1DG102W
  • Platform: Windows
  • Format: CD
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 2.25" h x 7.50" w x 10.75" l, 1.15 pounds

Let me start by saying I very rarely post negative reviews. But my experience with the wireless flip usb kvm was so bad, I just wanted to prevent someone from making the mistake I did. I decided to get a USB kvm when my old ps/2 ergnomic keyboard died(first time I've actually managed to kill a keyboard) and I had a very hard time finding another ps/2 ergo keyboard locally. I couldn't just use an adapter because my mouse already uses one, and there wasn't room for two adapters side by side on my old belkin omni kvm. So I decided to bite the bullet and get a usb kvm.

I researched online and went to a couple of bricks and mortars to see what was available. I was pleasantly suprised by the prices, not having shopped for a kvm in 5 years. I read the reviews on the wired Flip, and went to Circuit City and saw this wireless version. I brought it home, and it didn't go more than a few minutes without flipping over without me pushing the button. Sometimes it flipped back and forth 5 or 6 times in a minute. This of course makes it utterly useless. I kept it on for an hour or two and even sat on hold on Belkin's support like for 15 minutes or so before giving up. I returned it and bought a different one (Belkin F1DL102U with no wireless option), and it is working fine. We're techies over here, and have run into wireless interaction issues before - I suspect that our wireless network or one of our neighbors' wireless networks was causing the interference. Anyway, don't buy this unless you have only the two computers, no wireless network, no cordless phones, and live at least 1/2 mile from anyone who uses any of these devices!

Wireless bad idea for a KVM1
This product has refused to work properly - it goes through bouts of switching on its own. I've tried different combinations of pc's, keyboards and mice - same issue.

Belkin ignored my email, but their telephone support was easy to reach. There solution - ship out another unit, dinging my credit card until they receive "defective" unit. Chances of getting my original $ back: none.

Bottom line is I think that the unit is too susceptible to RF interference to be used in any office with more than 2 pcs.

Unreliable wireless unit, keyboard input issues1
It's junk. Don't buy it.

I haven't had the problem others have seen, where it switches between computers at random times. I've seen other failure modes:

1) The remote switch sometimes stops working, and will not recover until I unplug the video/USB/audio cables from the triangular main body of the unit. At a guess, it's getting power from one or the other of the USB connections and I'm power-cycling it by disconnecting and reconnecting the cables. I've been able to get the same effect by disconnecting both of the USB cables from the computers, but that's even less convenient.

2) I periodically lose keyboard input for a second or so. I'll be typing, and half a dozen characters will be lost. Then it rights itself. I'm using a PS/2 keyboard with a USB adapter, and I haven't tested that without the KVM, so it's possible that the KVM isn't the problem there.

UPDATE: The PS/2-USB adapter was the problem. Without that, it's reliable, but very slow. I often have to press the button several times to get it to switch. If I used the second computer more than two or three times a week, I'd get another KVM. The thing is, USB was never designed to be used this way. If that's the essential problem, Belkin obviously can't fix it.

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