Linksys KVM100SK ProConnect KVM 2-Port Switch Kit
From Linksys

The ProConnect KVM 2-Port Switch Kit from Linksys lets you take instant command over two desktop or notebook PCs! Ready to run right out of the box with no software or extra cables required, the ProConnect KVM 2-Port Switch Kit lets you connect two CPUs to a sin-gle keyboard, monitor, and mouse. The KVM 2-Port Switch Kit comes with everything you need - a switch and two cables. Just hook it up and go.

  • Brand: Linksys
  • Model: KVM100SK

With the ProConnect KVM 2-Port Switch Kit from Linksys, you can take instant command over two desktop or notebook PCs. Ready to run right out of the box--with no software or extra cables required--the ProConnect KVM 2-Port Switch Kit lets you connect two CPUs to a single keyboard, monitor, and mouse. It comes with everything you need--a switch and two cables. Just hook it up and go.

More features then listed!5
They supply everything in this kit. The cables are professional grade and 4ft. long a piece. It come with one set of PS/2 to Keyboard/mouse connectors. Swithching can be done with keyboard strokes so you can hide the box. I was very glad I picked this one up! It is a must buy if you need to switch between 2 PCs.

I've been using a KVM switch for over 2 years with a Linux and Windows box and I thought it was just the best way to go. I've gone thru two analog switches (the ones with the tangle of wires inside) and I bought a bunch of cables. I originally bought cheap monitor cables but the ghosting was terrible.

My old system worked fine at 1024x768 except occasionally it would lose the keyboard but the fix was to simply reinsert the keyboard plug.

I recently started working with a much larger monitor (running 1600x1024 under windows, 1600x1200 under Linux) and my old setup just couldn't handle the video bandwidth; the ghosting was terrible. So after checking out the reviews here I thought I'd give this one a try.

Its great. There might be a tiny bit of ghosting, but its too hard to say if its just the monitor itself. The only problem I've noticed, is that I can't get the mouse to work well under Linux/X windows. For some reason the resolution of the mouse just isn't great so the motion is a bit jerky. But its a small problem albeit annoying. The keyboard toggle between PCs works flawlessly and I've never lost the mouse or keyboard and the video is always centered (although thats probably a function of the monitor).

If you're using two PCs or a laptop and a PC this product is worth its weight in gold (its very light, as its sold state not the clunkly switch of old :)

I get the Linksysy kvm, and the first time it, work great in a Compaq Proliat running Windows 2000 Server and in Compaq Presario running Linux Red hat 7.2.
but when I restart the linux bos for th first time, the mouse din't came back, it was really crazy, making stranges moves, but I resolve the problem edint this two files
File path /etc/X11/XF86Config

I changed the section entitled "Section "Pointer"" and the line below to:

Protocol "IMPS/2"

File path /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

I changed the section entitled "Section "InputDevice"" and the line below to:

Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"

This solved both the erratic mouse pointer problem and enabled scrolling.

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